Texas A&M University W5AC The Texas A&M Amateur Radio Club, College Station, Texas
College Station, Texas, U.S.A. • Brazos County • EM10tp

W5AC-Area Repeaters

(near Bryan/College Station - Brazos County, Texas)

EMERGENCY Repeaters - listed in the order we'd be likely to use them during an emergency.
Club Affiliation Callsign Output Frequency
Input frequency
Tone (Hz) Location Power Output
Other Features, Uses
1. Bryan ARC W5BCS 146.680 146.080 88.5 Top of Kyle Field (Press Box) on TAMU Main Campus, about 200 feet Above Ground Level (AGL) 20 This is the primary ARES/RACES/Skywarn repeater. Open repeater. Closed phone patch. Wide area coverage. Backup power source.
2. Texas A&M Amateur Radio Club (that's us) W5AC 146.820 146.22088.5 Antenna on the roof of O&M Building on TAMU Main Campus, about 170 feet AGL 50 Open repeater. (Phone patch not connected). Wide area coverage. Encodes at 88.5 Hz.
3. Bryan Skyline tower repeater KD5DLW 443.425 448.425 127.3 Both on Skyline Comm.'s tower near Villa Maria at Texas Ave in Bryan. Rx at 300ft for both, Tx -DLW at 320, and -DZ at 200. 250 Open repeater. Wide area coverage. Backup power source. Frequency was changed on 11/19/2017.
4. DSTAR W5AC B 443.400 448.400 40 DSTAR with internet gateway.
5. RACES portable emergency repeater W5DZ 441.350 446.350 162.2 RACES emergency trailer (40 ft. crank-up tower). 30 To be towed to any emergency location needing a repeater. Remote base feature can link back to 146.68 repeater.
B/CS Area Map for the four repeaters above:
Emergency Repeaters
Numbers indicate the repeater from the list above.
Other In-Town Frequencies
Club Affiliation Callsign Output Frequency
Input frequency
Tone (Hz) Location Power Output
Other Features, Uses
APRS digipeater W5AC-2 144.39 144.39 none Richardson Building on TAMU Main Campus, about 150(?) feet AGL 5 Wide area coverage. Retransmits APRS packets.
NOAA Weather Radio in Brazos County WXK-30 162.550 N/A N/A Hensel Park, TAMU Campus, College Station, about 110 feet AGL 1000 This frequency...
...broadcasts National Weather Service watches and warnings following a 1050 Hz tone (which sets off weather radio alarms). Can be heard approx. 50 miles away, by design. Alarm tests usually conducted Wednesday mornings.
Armadillo repeater W6TRO 443.625 448.625 O&M Building on TAMU Main Campus, just over 200 feet AGL CLOSED repeater. Wide area coverage. Linked to Armadillo Intertie System.
Bryan main Post Office repeater KC5HHN 444.200 449.200 127.3 Bryan main Post Office - WJ Bryan at Bypass 6 Open repeater. Linked to Echolink.
KAMU Tower repeater
N1WP 444.550 449.550 127.3 KAMU's tower at Hensel Park, on the TAMU campus, at 275 feet AGL 50 Open repeater. Wide area coverage. Backup power source.
Out of Town but Still-Audible Frequencies
Club Affiliation Callsign Output Frequency
Input frequency
Tone (Hz) Location Power Output
Other Features, Uses
Plantersville repeater N5RXL 145.150 144.550 203.5 Plantersville, TX (Grimes County) - about 35 miles southeast of the B/CS area Open repeater.
Caldwell repeater N4GCA 145.330 144.730 103.5 Caldwell, TX (Burleson County) - about 25 miles WSW of the B/CS area
Brenham ARC main repeater W5AUM 145.390 144.790 103.5 Brenham, TX (Washington County) - about 30 miles south of the B/CS area Open repeater. County Emergency Preparedness Nets held Sundays at 8PM.
Madisonville repeater 146.780 146.180 103.5 Madisonville, TX (Madison County) - about 35 miles northeast of the B/CS area Open repeater.
Temple ARC repeater W5LM 146.820 146.220 123.0 Temple, TX (Bell County), about 900 feet above sea level - about 70 miles WNW of B/CS area 85 Open repeater. Backup power source. Same repeater frequency as W5AC repeater.
Over The Hill Group repeater W5HBH 147.100 147.700 88.5 Hearne, TX (Robertson County) - about 25 miles NW of the B/CS area
Bell County EOC repeater W5BEC 147.140 147.740 123.0 The KCEN-TV6 tower in Belton, TX (Bell County) - about 70 miles WNW of the B/CS area, at 1,637 feet AGL Open repeater. Able to cover >23 counties; about 120 mile radius. Linked to EchoLink node #99000.
Brenham ARC repeater W5AUM 147.260 147.860 103.5 Brenham, TX (Washington County) - about 30 miles south of the B/CS area Open repeater.
Walker County ARES repeater W5SAM 442.850 447.850 127.3 Texas DPS tower at approx 300' AGL, 10 miles west of Huntsville on Hwy 30. Open repeater. Has mobile coverage into the area just east of College Station..
New Waverly repeater WA5AIR 442.725 447.725 103.5 New Waverly, TX (Walker County) - about 50 miles east of the B/CS area Open repeater. Linked to the Saltgrass network.
Brenham ARC UHF repeater W5AUM 443.250 448.250 103.5 Brenham, TX (Washington County) - about 30 miles south of the B/CS area Open repeater. Linked to the Saltgrass network.
Western Brenham repeater W5TZ 444.900 449.900 100.0 Brenham, TX (Washington County) - about 30 miles south of the B/CS area, at a Height Above Average Terrain (HAAT) of 350 feet 25 Open repeater. Backup power source.

Other Good Frequencies to Know Around Here:

Generally, use LSB on frequencies below 9 MHz, and USB on frequencies above 9 MHz. Not a complete list of all emergency frequencies.

  • Texas RACES* :
    • Primary - 7.248 MHz
    • Secondary - 14.347
    • Tertiary - 3.975
  • Texas ARES* :
    • Emergency & Tactical traffic:
      • Day 7.285 MHz, Night 3.873 MHz
    • Health & Welfare traffic:
      • Day 7.290 MHz, Night 3.935 MHz
  • The National Hurricane Center in Florida, WX4NHC:
    • Hurricane Watch Net - 14.325 MHz or 3.950 MHz
  • Red Cross - 47.42 MHz
  • Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN):
    • International frequency - 14.265 MHz
    • Central, Eastern US - 7.265 MHz
    • Western US - 7.250 MHz or 3.940 MHz
  • Some National FM Simplex Calling Frequencies:
    • 52.525 MHz, 146.52 MHz, and 446.00 MHz
  • National Storm Spotting Simplex Frequency:
    • 146.55 MHz (146.46 backup frequency)
  • ARISS Frequencies (International Space Station)
    • FM Voice Downlink (all regions) - 145.80 MHz
    • FM Voice Uplink, ITU Region 2 (that's us!) - 144.49 MHz
    • FM Voice Uplink during temporary crossband modes - 437.80 MHz
  • Some National SSB Calling Frequencies:
    • 50.125 MHz (USB), 144.200 MHz (USB), 432.100 MHz (USB)
  • 146.490 MHz simplex is used for an informal meeting (hosted by Henry - W5RAS) around 7:30 PM each night
  • Other FM simplex frequencies in the band plan: 146.40 - 146.58, and 147.42 - 147.57

© W5AC, The Texas A&M Amateur Radio Club