Texas A&M University W5AC The Texas A&M Amateur Radio Club, College Station, Texas
College Station, Texas, U.S.A. • Brazos County • EM10tp

W5AC Shack Pictures

Outside the new shack

Here are a few pictures of the current W5AC shack. Pictures provided by KG5LYQ.

Click for full-size images.

This is our current shack in all its glory! Taken in 2017.

Inside the old shack

Here are a few pictures of the W5AC shack in the Memorial Student Center, circa 2000. Pictures provided by AG5U.

Click for full-size images.

This is our VHF/UHF/Satellite side. We
have a Yaesu FT-726, Kenwood 2m All Mode,
Kenwood UHF mobile, Kenwood 6m and a
satellite receiver for NASA Select.
HF Side
This is the HF side. Equipment includes
Kenwood TS-940 and TS-930. We also
have an Icom 751.
Wall O' Cards
This is our "Wall O' Cards". We
actually have many more QSL cards
(drawers and drawers of
as-yet-unsorted cards).
Our RTTY Setup
And finally, this is our RTTY
machine :-) It is a Model 19. We
have a manual for it somewhere.
It is VERY, VERY loud. PK232 is
much quieter.

Outside the old shack

Here are some pictures of W5AC's antenna arrays on the roof, from Spring 2004. Pictures provided by KD5NPF.

Click for full-size images.

HF tower and Rudder Tower
The HF tower and Rudder Tower -
our repeater antenna is
just visible on Rudder.
Dennis and Mike on the Satellite Array
Dennis NT5TU and Mike KZ5M volunteer
their time this Saturday to repair the
Satellite Array. Bo KD5MLR is at
the rotor controls inside the shack.
Satellite Array and VHF tower
Satellite Array and VHF tower -
between the two stands our
R5 vertical HF antenna.
TV Receive Only dish
TV Receive Only dish at the
base of the HF tower.

© W5AC, The Texas A&M Amateur Radio Club